Matt Jones

Change your life for the better with a Life Planner

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

Do you want to change your life quickly? Do you know how to plan your life? Well, let's discuss having a life planner to radically make changes and end your procrastination. Having a life planner template will get you focused, get you clear, and change your life for the better with your life goals. The Life 2.0 Blueprint I created is the ultimate life planner that is going to help you fast track your goals - get organized - and end your procrastination once and for all. First, let's discuss how to change your life for the better.

Plan Life Goals

I imagine you're here because you are looking to make some drastic changes in your life. Perhaps you want a better job or you want to make more money or you want to improve yourself physically or mentally. Well, you've come to the right place.

How to change your life

You change your life by changing your mind. You have to get focused and start planning your life goals with mechanisms to help you do so. That includes a life planner.

Life Planner

A life planner sets out specific life goals and categories for you to organize yourself

How to change your life for the better

To transform your life you need to transform your thinking. Change your thinking change your life. Personally, I always knew for years my thinking was what was holding me back from unlocking my power. I always knew I had potential but wasn't clear on how to do it. After I finally did it completely changed the trajectory of my life forever.

How to change your life completely

1) Write your goals with a life planner

2) Cut out bad habits

3) Get an accountability partner

Planning life statistics

How to change your life

I want to talk to you about three startling life plan statistics.

1) Did you know that 2/3rds of people don't have a plan for their lives? That's 66% of people who have no plan at all, and just allow life to take control of them, instead of them controlling their own lives.

To get results in life you have to be proactive, not reactive.

2) 92% of people that set new years goals never actually achieve them. It's true. A study conducted by the University of Scranton found that only 8% of people actually achieve the results that they set out for themselves.

The best way to achieve goals according to researchers is setting specific goals with specific markers, using a SMART goals system.

3) 75% of people who make over six figures a year say that they made plans for their lives, while those who make under 30,000 a year fall to 26%.

This means people who want to make money, who have made money, have actually planned for it. Those who haven't, have not.

Now, If you believe in the law of attraction as I do then you know this is true. You only get out of life what you put into it. You will only attract what you want with planning and action.

Change your life by changing your mind

Change your life

The number one thing that people think they fail because of in life is motivation. But, this is simply not true. People fail because of procrastination. They fail because they're not organized. They fail because they are distracted.

Today we are more distracted than ever and this is why we're not meeting our expectations with our lives. If you want amazing health, more money, a better life,

you have to plan for it.

Harvard psychologists have recently revealed that it's not the problem of social media or entertainment why we're so distracted, but our minds. Our minds are actually wired for distraction, according to a theory known as the "stimulus-independent variable effect." The way we get around this is by rewiring and refocusing our brains. We have to train it like a muscle.

Transform your life

Now, a bit about me, when I was younger I had no idea how to get the things in life that I wanted. I tried and I tried and I failed so many times. I was aimlessly going from day to day just seeing what life brought me. I was unhappy, I was depressed much of the time, and I just wanted to learn how to succeed in life so bad. But, I had no real plan. I had an idea of where I wanted to go but no real target or aim. I also gave into bad habits and a lack mindset, also known as a fixed mindset, where I focused all my attention on my problems instead of my solutions. Maybe you can relate to this.

Matt Jones Life 2.0 in Greece

So one day I made a conscious change. I got clear. I got focused. I created new routines in my life to safeguard myself and that's when I started making real lasting changes in my career, my relationships, and my personal health. Since then I've traveled to over 40 countries around the world, I've started two businesses, and authored several books. I feel like I had a complete mind shift and transformation, and everything around me suddenly became clearer and better. I achieved many of my life goals. Now, I want to help others realize the same shortcomings that I had, and help you transform your life.

That's why I created the Life 2.0 blueprint.

If you want to achieve your life goals you need to get clear on what you want. It's that simple. The grass is only green where you water it right? To change your life you need to start today, not tomorrow.

You have to take dedicated time to be meticulous, foster a sense of focus, and develop your life plan.

That's why like a mad scientist I broke down 10 key life categories. From health to wealth, happiness to love, purpose to adventure. I did this because you should not only be focusing on one aspect of your life but all of it. It's the compound effect. One affects the other.

I mean, what's the point of having money in your life if your relationships are bad? What's the point of getting in shape if you're not having any fun and having fulfilling experiences and adventures? One great thing doesn't cancel out all the other bad things in your life. That's why we need a well-rounded complete 360 life planner approach. You should learn to master every area of your life, and with that, you can completely shift your mindset, shift your situation, and ultimately shift your life.

So, I encourage you to get a life planner today. I offer mine with bonus gifts if you'd like to get it. I also offer a complete 30-day refund on all purchases, no questions asked.

You really have no reason not to start planning your life today. Thank you again for spending time with me. Remember that you are amazing. You are worthy, and you are full of abundance and potential. Wishing you lots of love, happiness, and success.

Matt Jones is a writer and entrepreneur with multiple businesses who enjoys inspiring and helping others. He is also a professional musician who has been to over 40 different countries on all 7 continents. His personal mission is to create and inspire. He is from Los Angeles but is now based in Greater London. His latest book "Life 2.0" is available on Amazon.