Matt Jones

SECRET TO THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: Manifestating your ideal life. Truth & Bullshit.

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

Is there a secret to the law of attraction? What are the law of attraction principles? What is the law of attraction? How do I manifest the life I want? These are all good questions to ask. The law of attraction is simple and the less you try to overthink it the better. Too many pseudo spiritualist teachers and fake gurus try to sell you with a lot of words and fancy catchphrases to get your money. Today I want to break down the law of attraction with simple principles so you can benefit from it in your own life. This includes harnessing the power of the law of attraction for manifestation and how to use affirmations to increase your attractiveness.

The secret to the law of attraction

The Law of Attraction Definition

Too many people complicate the law of attraction with paragraphs and paragraphs of interpretation. If someone can't simply for it for you in one sentence, they might be full of shit. They might also talk about why the law of attraction was hidden and a secret for so long... (sigh, vomit....) So, without further ado, (in my interpretation):

The law of attraction meaning is that you attract in life what you think, feel, and do.

The law of attraction wasn't hidden or a secret. It has always been around. It was just interpreted differently and given a new "catchphrase." The greatest intellectuals, philosophers, and thought leaders of numerous generations have conveyed parallel teachings and musings about this same concept.

Buddha (5th century B.C.) said...

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world.

You attract what you think..... Check!

Marcus Aurelius (180 A.D.) said...

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

Thoughts determine outlook and your life.... Got it, check!

It's about priming and focusing the power of your mind to achieve results in life, conscious of the fact that you are in control. YOU control your life. Nobody else. Others may have some power over you, eg. a boss, manager, etc. Ultimately in your life, though it's your final decision how you choose to react to what life throws at you.

When you start to take complete credit for your life you take the first step towards empowerment.

-Matt Jones

Law of attraction quotes


So I actually want to start by discussing a myth about the law of attraction...

Too many people choose to bastardize the law of attraction. The myth is

"If I think it, it will happen.."

This couldn't be further from the truth. It typically comes from a place of ignorance. It's true that thinking is part of the process, but just one small part. It's like adding gas to a car with no engine. Right idea but no vroom vroom. Ya dig?

How do I know the law of attraction is real? Because I've used it in my own life. I managed to achieve my childhood dreams with it and I have no doubt that it can do wonders for you too.

Law of attraction quotes

"I believe in manifestation. I believe in putting a rocket of desire out in the universe."-Jim Carrey
"I believe I can create whatever I want to create."-Will Smith
"I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be, until finally I became that person. Or he became me..." -Cary Grant

Manifestation and the law of attraction are like two sides of the same coin. These stars have used attraction for manifesting their dream lives.

Secret to the Law of Attraction (And it's not a universal law)

The law of attraction secret is that there is no secret. There is just simple understanding and simple application.

The truth is it's not even a universal law.

Law of attraction myth

Newtons law of universal gravitation is a universal law. No matter what anybody says or does, gravity is always gravity. That's just simple science. What goes up will always come down.

With the law of attraction, you don't get what you put out always... Why? Free will. You can be a good person (i.e. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa)... Does that mean good intentions will be met with good outcomes? Absolutely not. The law of attraction is a simple causality relationship. You're more likely to attract things the more you seek them out and then bring them about. That's it. It's a chance... A higher percentage... A more likely outcome through good old-fashioned will power.

There is no magic. There is no genie in a bottle.... Just unrelenting focused work towards the attainment of a goal. It's like luck. There is no luck fairy. You get luckier the more you try. Ya feel me?

The secret to applying the supposed "law of attraction" in your own life is with baby steps. To unlock the mysteries of it, you have to develop the habit of attractive thinking, feeling, and doing. Use these three questions every day all day as you go about your routine. They are:

1) Is what I'm thinking right now attracting what I want?

2) Is what I'm feeling right now attracting what I want?

3) Is what I'm doing right now attracting what I want?

By using these 3 simple questions every day you will start making make radical transformations. You will see transformations in your relationships, your health, your happiness, and your career.

That's it.

Take it. Use it. Absorb. And quickly you will see the power of cause and effect.

You already have the power. You just need to realize it.

Matt Jones is a writer and entrepreneur with multiple businesses who loves inspiring others to reach their full potential. He is also a musician, educator, and world traveler who has been to over 40 different countries on all 7 continents, reaching many of his life goals. His personal mission is to create and inspire. He is from Los Angeles but is now based in Greater London. Learn his story.